Sunday, February 5, 2012

Foodie Police

I couldn't see into the vans, but all of the vehicles for carrying those arrested just pulled away. All that's left are police cars and this white park ranger van which I now realize is—believe it or not a food truck. I thought it was SWAT.

Not a bad food selection.

And So It Begins

It's been going for a while now, apparently, but I couldn't see it. It doesn't appear that anyone has been arrested so far. But the police are patrolling the encampment.


A Fire Truck just showed up. I'm not really sure what they intend to do with it.

Also, I head a couple of ex-cons sitting in front of me, who it seems are out to help with the clean up, discussing communism. Cool stuff.

And now shit's about to get real. I'll be back in a bit.

Dream On

Still nothing going. "Dream On" came on here in the Starbucks—a sadly appropriate song.

SWAT-like Team

Here's a pic of the helmeted black crusaders.

Big Police Vans

Alright, so a couple more large police vans just pulled up. One is DC police, and the other is Park Service. They're the kind used for transporting those arrested. Shit may be getting real soon.

Freedom Plaza

What better way to start Protest Tracker's coverage than to liveblog what's about to go down at Freedom Plaza? I'm sitting at Starbucks watching police in riot gear prepare for what I presume will be raid on the last vestiges of Occupy. 

Look at that. A police officer just walked in. This is awkward. 

I'll put up some pictures in a bit. Keep watching.